The Internet offers your company the most cost effective marketing opportunities that exist today. The marketing you can do using the Internet is revolutionary. Never before could you create effective and global marketing for a few dollars, in a matter of hours and accurately measure it’s effectiveness the next day.
The search engines offer almost instant results using pay-per-click programs and there has never been a cheaper or easier way to communicate with clients than email.
Web-scape has been using every form of Internet marketing for it’s clients since 1995 and we can assure you that there has never been a better time than right now for your company to benefit from Internet marketing.
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is not the same thing as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When the three major search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN added Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising to their offerings the search engine landscape changed forever.
Pay Per Click in many ways leveled the playing field. Many of the criteria that the search engines used to rank websites in their organic search results involved the websites age and the type of content it contained. It penalized a new website or domain and rewarded popular content not necessarily relevant content.
With Pay Per Click you simply pay for what you get. Each time a user clicks on your add showing on the three major search engines you pay a small fee. This allows many website that don’t have the time to add fresh content constantly, urge other relevant site to link to them or create controversial content hoping sites will link to it.
This just doesn’t make sense for most business websites and particularly regulated business like public companies.
As well as your ad (either text or graphical) being displayed on the search engine pages you can also “target” other sites that also have agreed to display the same search engine ads. A few of the sites are shown below and as you can see they could be very helpful in exposing your company to as many investors as possible.
- The New York Times
- Edgar Online
- StockCharts
- Smallcapcenter
We still utilize Search Engine Optimization for our clients of course but this is a long term, slower process and should be put of secondary importance to an efficient PPC program.
If you would like to learn more be sure to contact us for a full explanation and some examples of our work.